Niagara University emergency management master trainer Vicky Davidson (center), with Red Cross personnel from the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Island. Davidson presented the training to an audience of 100 people across many disciplines.

Emergency management master trainer Vicky Davidson traveled to the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Island in April to deliver Niagara University’s nationally acclaimed training at the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the Northern Marianas College, one of the 67 UCEDDs across the United States and its territories. The training, which was presented to an audience of 100 people from a variety of disciplines, highlighted appropriate planning and preparedness, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, inclusive planning and active participation, general effective communication, and sheltering and transportation.

“The two-day training addressed the inadequacies and injustices people with disabilities and access and functional needs face in virtually every emergency and disaster,” said David Whalen, project director of Niagara University First/Emergency Responder Disability Awareness Training.

NU’s Disability Awareness Training also contracted with the State of Utah and will present emergency management training at four sites throughout the state this fall.