Kaylyn Townsend, project director for Niagara University’s Ostapenko Center for Race, Equity & Mission, helps children decorate face masks at the Niagara Falls Housing Authority's Community Day. (Photo courtesy of NFHA.)

Niagara University’s Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equity & Mission was among the more than 30 local organizations that participated in Niagara Falls Housing Authority's Community Day on Aug. 27, 2021. As part of their work with the Niagara Falls Health Equity Task Force, staff members discussed the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines and distributed tote bags with information, including FAQs and the number to the vaccine hotline. In preparation for the upcoming school year, the center also provided face masks for children to decorate.

“As students across the region head back to school, our efforts include helping children understand and practice safe health practices,” said Dr. Rolanda L. Ward, director of the Ostapenko Center. “Children visiting our outreach table were excited to pick and decorate a special mask for school. If community groups would like for us to bring a youth mask decorating event to their church or afterschool organization, they should contact our COVID-19 hotline at 716.263.5770.”